The reference of Lord Dattatreya was mentioned in the following Upanishads.
1.AVADHOOTHOPANISHAD: This Upanishad is one of the minor Upanishads where the characterstics of a realised soul (Brahmajnana) are narrated. The entire philosophy of realization is described here in 36 slokas. The Avadhootha who narrates this Upanishad is none else than Bhagavan Lord Dattatreya. Sanskriti, a devotee of Lord Dattatreya asks him to tell the signs of an avadhootha, his way of life and his style of passing throught the world. Out of compassion, Bhagavan Lord Dattatreya reveals this wisdom to Sanskriti.
2.DATTOPANISHAD:: This Upanishad contains the Datta Mantras for Upasana. This is treated as a mystic Upanishad in three parts. The first part mentions that in the Satyaksehtra, Brahma approached Narayana and asked him what will save him. He was told that he should worship the place sanctified by Narayana. Narayana then made Brahma meditate on Dattatreya After meditating on Dattatreya, he spoke thus, Dama is a Hansa. DAAM is a word which protects. This will save one from the pangs of being born in this world. Saddashiva is the Rishi of this Upanishad and Dattatreya is Devata. The entire wrld is like a seed of a VATA tree and it rests in Datta. The Upanishad is of six letters. DA, OM, HRIM, KLIM, Glaum and DRAM. These six letters of mantra will lead to the yogic experience. Dattatreya is full of SAT, CHIT and ANANDA and NAMAHA is the embodiment of complete happiness.In this way several mantras with seedletters are included in this Upanishad. One hwo recites these mantras with the vijaksharaas will be liberated and merges in happiness. In the second part of the Upanishad, Lord Dattatreya is praised that mere rememberance of him and will remove all fears and give one immense knowledge. In the third part, it is stated that who reads this is sanctified by Vayu, Agni, Soma, Aditya, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. The reading is equivalent to a recitation of 1,00,000 Gayathri mantra. He becomes free from the sins of Brahmahatya or Gohatya etc. So said Bhagavan Narayana to the Brahma.
3.SHANDILYOPANISHAD: It is classified as one of the later yoga Upanishads and Lord Dattatreya is said to be a Yoga Saavanth. Dattaguru was described in this Upanishad as having four hands like Vishnu and with only one head. He is calm and he showers his grace on his devotees. He is a storehouse of knowledge and the Guru of this Universe. One who worships Lord Dattatreya becomes free from the bondage of the world.
4.BHIKSHUKOPANISHAD: This Upanishad classified Dattatreya guru as Praamahamsa, a category of bhikshus, the other three being, Kutichak, Bahudaka and Hamsa. According to this Upanishad, Dattatreya is detached, unfettered, devoid f internal conflicts, who would not keept anything with him, always dwelling in AATMAN and a Sannyasi, who would accept alms from all the castes.
5.JABALA DARSANOPANISHAD.: Sankriti wanted to know the secrets of ASHTAANGA YOGA. So Dattaguru describes the YOGA SHASTRA to him in 224 slokas. YAMA, NIYAMA, AASANA, PRAANAYAMA, PRATYAAHARA, DHYAANA, DHAARANA and SAMADHI. These eight steps of Yoga are described in this UPanishad.