
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Entrepreneur of the Year

Decision sciences may have little to do with Indian spirituality but Mu Sigma's founder Dhiraj Rajaram, 39, believes that creation, preservation and destruction are a prerequisite for development and should be the basis of his company's operating philosophy.

Which is why he decided to split his employees into three teams called clans —

  1. the Brahma clan dealing with creation, 
  2. the Vishnu clan that concerns itself with operations and 
  3. the Shiva clan for destroying or selectively abandoning the past. 
It helps 125 Fortune 500 customers including

  1. Microsoft, 
  2. Pfizer and 
  3. Dell 
Examine large amounts of different data types in an effort to uncover 

  1. hidden patterns, 
  2. unknown correlations and 
  3. other useful information.  

His firm, which employs 3,500 decision scientists spread across the 

  1. US, 
  2. UK, 
  3. India, 
  4. Australia and 
  5. Singapore, has been profitable since its inception.
