
Friday, December 19, 2014

Manasa Vacha Karmana

 Manasa, vaacha, karmana are three Sanskrit words. The word 

  1. manasa refers to the mind - Shiva 
  2. vaachaa refers to speech - Brahma  
  3. karmanaa refers to actions - Vishnu

In several Indian languages, these three words are together used to describe a state of consistency expected of an individual. The motto Manasa, Vaacha, Karmana is usually invoked to imply that one should strive to achieve the state where one's thoughts, speech and the actions coincide. 

  1. Take care of your Thoughts because Thoughts become Words. 
  2. Take care of your Words because Words will become Actions.
  3.  Take care of your Actions because Actions will become Habits.
  4.  Take care of your Habits because Habits will form your Character.
  5.  Take care of your Character because it is that which forms your Destiny, And your Destiny will be your Life. 

3 states of Divinity

  1. Arupa - Formless - Shiva
  2. Rupa-Arupa – Formless Form - Brahma With its Creation
  3. Sarupa – With form - Vishnu
