Monday, November 26, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
Meanwhile there was a Daitya named Jambh who pleased Brahmaa Jee and got a boon from him that "Whoever comes in front of me in the battle, he should start yawning at my will and become sleepy and I can win him easily. With this boon he won all Devtaa and he became the king of Indra Lok. Indra then went to Dattaatreya on the advice of Naarad Jee. Dattaatreya Jee advised him to invite Jambh for the battle in his Aashram. He told that as soon as all Daitya would come to his Aashram, his one Divine look will make them weak and powerless and then he could kill all of them. So Indra went to Jambh and fighting with him brought all Daitya to Dattaatreya's Aashram.
Dattaatreya Jee said - "Lakshmee destroys while living in some places, while she does good living in other places. Lakshmee does not live at one place.
Dattaatreya Jee said - "Lakshmee destroys while living in some places, while she does good living in other places. Lakshmee does not live at one place.
- When Lakshmee lives in one's feet, then a person gets beautiful house;
- when she lives in thighs then she gives beautiful clothes, ornaments, wealth etc;
- when she lives in waistline, she gives beautiful woman;
- when she lives in lap, she gives son;
- when she lives in heart then she fulfills all wishes of a person.
- When she lives in neck she gives ornaments of neck, and when she lives in mouth, she gives sweet speech.
- The same Lakshmee when sits on somebody's head, she leaves him.
Durvaasaa's Curse to Saraswatee
Once Durvaasaa Rishi thought that when he does Tap the whole Tri-Lok gets worried, so why not he should go to Brahm Lok and study Ved from Brahmaa Jee. So he went there to study Ved. Brahmaa Jee welcomed him as his grandson and made the arrangement of learning Ved for him. As he was studying Ved there, Saraswatee Jee started laughing at him. When she could not stop her laugh, Durvaasaa asked her why she was laughing. She replied that she was laughing at his Swar (tone). He said - "So do you think that only you have good tone in the whole Tri-Lok? You are very proud of that. I curse you that you fall from Brahm Lok to destroy your pride."
Brahmaa Jee said - "What did you do this, O Durvaasaa? If Saraswatee will not live here who will teach Ved Richaa? Who will teach Swar here? How the Gyaan will be distributed here?" Durvaasaa Jee said - "Her singing will be in Gandharv Lok where she will take birth." Brahmaa Jee said - "By cursing my consort Saraswatee you have proved yourself incapable of living in Brahm Lok. You leave this Brahm Lok."
Meanwhile Gandharv Raaj Vishwaavasu was doing Tapasyaa for Dattaatreya to get a child. Pleased from his Tap Dattaatreya Jee appeared before him and asked him to ask for a boon. Vishwaavasu asked him to give him a child. Dattaatreya Jee said - "This whole universe is born from a Yagya. When some act is done with full devotion it becomes a Yagya, you also do a Yagya, you will surely get a child." So Vishwaavasu started a Yagya with his wife Chitralekhaa.
In the meantime, Daitya Vajraketu came to destroy his Yagya. He did not want that anybody should do any Yagya. Dattaatreya protected his Yagya. Vajraketu tried his best to destroy that Yagya but could not harm it, so he himself went there and got burnt. Thus he was killed there. Yagya was completed. At the end of the Yagya, Yagya Dev appeared from that Yagya and gave them a pot and asked them to take the Prasaad in it. They took it with great Bhakti. As a result they had daughter. This daughter was Saraswatee herself who was born as a result of Durvaasaa's curse. Vishwaavasu named her Madaalasaa.
As the girl was born, Naarad Jee came there and congratulated the Gandharv Raaj on the birth of his daughter. Vishwaavasu asked Naarad Jee about her future. Naarad Jee ignored this and blessed her. Chitralekhaa said - "Devarshi, We have a desire that we want the blessings of Dattaatreya who is born on Prithvi." Naarad Jee suggested them to meditate on Dattaatreya, so they did and Dattaatreya Jee appeared before them and asked their desire. Vishwaavasu said - "Our all desires are related to our daughter. We want that she should always be happy and comfortable." Dattaatreya Jee said - "Raajan, Your daughter is not an ordinary girl, she is the incarnation of Saraswatee Devee. She will attain Brahm Gyaan, and her son will also be Brahm Gyaanee. My blessings are always with you." Time flew and Madaalasaa grew in a fine young woman.
At the same time, after the killing of Vajraketu, his son Paataalketu was crowned as the king of Paataal. Now he wanted to know how his father was killed. His Kul Guru said - "He was not killed but he died in the battlefield." "In which battle?" "He was killed in the battle with Vishwaavasu." "Oh, So my father was killed by Vishwaavasu. I am going to kill him." So they came on prithvi and Paataalketu commanded his brother Kaalketu to be disguised in a Saadhu and stay there and he himself went to Gandharv Lok.
There Paataalketu saw Madaalasaa and got attracted to her. [Now Madaalasaa was the incarnation of Saraswatee Jee and the result of Durvasaa's curse. So both had some meaning - Bhagavaan has to do all these Leelaa to set the situation of duties and actions.] So he proposed to Gandharv Raaj for his daughter, but Gandharv Raaj did not agree for this and got ready for fight. But Paataalketu abducted Madaalasaa to Paataal Lok.
Paataalketu and Madaalasaa
Madaalasaa prayed Bhagavaan Dattaatreya for her protection, and he protected her from Paataalketu. Later Paataalketu called his maids and said to them - "Change Madaalasaa's mind towards me. I will marry her on the coming Trayodashee." and went away. Madaalasaa again prayed Dattaatreya with the intention of committing suicide, so he appeared before her and told her that she was the incarnation of Saraswatee and for whatever purpose she had come on Prithvi she cannot die without completing it. She asked what was the purpose of her life. Dattaatreya Jee said - "To kill Paataalketu and producing a child who will also a Brahm Gyaanee. Vishwaavasu and his wife Chitralekhaa also prayed Brahmaa Jee to protect their daughter. Brahmaa Jee assured them for their daughter.
Paataalketu went to Rishi Gaalav so that he could perform the ceremony of his marriage to Madaalasaa. Gaalav said - "If Madaalasaa has not agreed for this marriage, he would not perform this marriage ceremony, because it is A-Dharm." At this Paataalketu started destroying his Yagya and Aashram. Seeing this Gaalav Muni cursed him - "If you will marry Madaalasaa without her consent, you will be burnt to ashes."
When Paataalketu went to marry Madaalasaa, he remembered Gaalav Muni's curse so he talked to her politely. Madaalasaa said that her marriage depended on Bhagavaan Dattaatreya, so Paataalketu proceeded to meet Dattaatreya. Dattaatreya Jee appeared before him and preached him the sermon of Satya and Gyaan. Paramaatmaa has four names - Satya, Gyaan, Anant and Brahm. And asked him to love Paramaatmaa.
Naarad Jee could not understand that why Dattaatreya did not preach some Saadhu and bestowed boons to Kaartveerya Arjun and preached Paramaatmaa to Paataalketu. Dattaatreya Jee said - "Since those Saadhu did not have devotion and love in me that is why I did not teach them, Arjun had both love and devotion in me that is why I granted him boon; and I preached Paataalketu because he did lots of Tapasyaa for all the three, Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh, in his previous life. Brahmaa Jee granted him the boon to have Darshan of all the three (Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh) together. We all will incarnate in the form of Dattaatreya and you will see his Viraat Roop which is not in everybody's fate." That is why I showed him my Vraat Roop."
Paataalketu came back to Madaalasaa and said to her - "If somebody becomes god by taking Viraat Roop then see it." and he showed her his Viraat Roop. Still Madaalasaa did not get ready to marry him. Paataalketu said - "I can marry you any time but I will not marry you until you will marry me with your own will." Madaalasaa said - "I will never marry you will my own will." Paataalketu said - "If this is so, then my anger will burn all the three Lok. I will start killing people everywhere, and all this will be because of you."
Paataalketu started destroying Tri-Lok. Madaalasaa tried to stop this but he did not stop until she got agree to marry him willingly. Paataalketu threatened her to kill her parents, so she had to agree to marry him. Paataalketu declared this in the whole Paataal Lok and went to to Muni Gaalav again and asked him to be the Pandit to perform his marriage to Madaalasaa. He told him that he would send his Minister to bring him to Paataal Lok.
Gaalav Muni prayed Dattaatreya to guide him. Dattaatreya appeared before him and said - "Satya is Satya, it cannot be destroyed by A-Satya." Gaalav Jee asked - "How Madaalsasaa will marry him? She got ready to marry him only to protect Tri-Lok. But will she marry him?" "No she will not be able to marry him. The son of Shatrujit, Ritudhwaj will not let this marriage happen and the same will kill Paataalketu too." "But who could not be killed even by others, how Ritudhwaj will kill him?" Dattaatreya gave him a horse and said to him - "This Kuvalaashwa named divine horse, it can go anywhere - in sky, on water, on Prithvi or Paatal. It is immune to any kind of weapon. Only Ritudhwaj can ride on this horse. Take this horse to him and tell him that he should go to Paataal Lok on this horse, kill Paataalketu and marry Madaalasaa."
Muni Gaalav took that horse to Ritudhwaj and told everything Shatrujit. He asked him to send his son to kill Paataalketu and bring Madaalasaa from there. Ritudhwaj rode that horse and set off to his journey to Paataal Lok.
Ritudhwaj and Madaalasaa
In Paataal Lok Madaalasaa was getting ready to be married to Paataalketu. At the same time Ritudhwaj came there and Madaalasaa got very happy to see him there. Paataalketu commanded his people to kill Ritudhwaj, but Ritudhwaj killed all of them. Pariprakaash and Naagpaal, Ritudhwaj's childhood friends of Naag Lok, welcomed them in Naag Lok and said - "Ashwatar is waiting for you."
Paataalketu's some remaining people informed his brother Taalketu that Ritudhwaj had killed his brother Paataalketu. So he came to Naag Lok in search of Ritudhwaj and started destroying Naag Lok. Ashwatar came out and asked him why was he doing that? He said that I am looking for Ritudhwaj because he has killed my brothers Paataalketu." Ritudhwaj and other Naag Lok dwellers came out to fight with Taalketu and Ritudhwaj defeated him the battle thus he protected Naag lok also from Taalketu. Then Taalketu went away challenging Ritudhwaj that one day hw would surely take Madaalasaa from him. Ritudhwaj then went away from there with Madaalasaa and came to his kingdom. There he was welcomed by his father.
Dattaatreya Jee appeared there and commanded Madalasaa to Gyaan and Ritudhwaj to protect Saadhu, Rishi, Muni from Raakshas. So he started doing that. Wandering around, once he came on Yamunaa's banks. Taalketu was doing Yagya there in the guise of a Rishi. he recognized Ritudhwaj so he planned for a trick. He saw a garland in his neck. He said to him - "I am doing a Yagya for which I need to give Dakshinaa. Can I get some money for giving Dakshinaa?" After a moment he took out his garland and gave it to him. Taalketu who was in the guise of a Rishi, thanked him and said - "I am going inside water to worship Jal Devtaa, so please protect my Aashram till then."
Taalketu then came to Ritudhwaj's father, gave that garland to him and told him that he was killed by Daitya. He gave me this garland before dying and asked me to give it to you." Hearing this Madaalasaa died. Shatrujit performed her last rites very sadly. On the other hand, Ritudhwaj continued to protect Rishi's Aashram but when he did not return for quite some time, he got worried and came to his kingdom. He met there everybody but not Madaalasaa. Hearing about her death he got very sad. Maniprakaash Naag could not tolerate his condition, so he requested his father to bring Madaalasaa to life for his friend. Hearing this Ashwatar said - "Let me go to my elder brother Shesh Naag."
Ashwatar went to Shesh Naag and requested him to give Madaalasaa back to Ritudhwaj in the same form and body. Shesh Naag said - "You know everything, you are Gyaanee. Once one has died, he cannot get the same body again." "But like this Ritudhwaj will die." Shesh Naag said - "If you have learnt music from Saraswatee Jee and please Kaal Mahaakaal Shiv Jee then your wish can be fulfilled because only he can do this." So Maniprakaash went to Saraswatee Jee and got the boon of music and dance and then pleased Shiv Jee by that music and dance. Shiv Jee got pleased and granted him the boon that if he offer Prasaad to Vishnu in front of Shesh Naag then only Madaalasaa will be able to relive again. Maniprakaash did the same and Madaalasaa took rebirth in her same body by the grace of Shiv Jee. Maniprakaaash took her to Ritudhwaj and gave her to him. Ritudhwaj got very happy to see her alive.
Later Madaalasaa gave birth to a son who was named as Alark. When he became young, Madaalasaa went to Dattaatreya to give him good education.
Once Durvaasaa Rishi thought that when he does Tap the whole Tri-Lok gets worried, so why not he should go to Brahm Lok and study Ved from Brahmaa Jee. So he went there to study Ved. Brahmaa Jee welcomed him as his grandson and made the arrangement of learning Ved for him. As he was studying Ved there, Saraswatee Jee started laughing at him. When she could not stop her laugh, Durvaasaa asked her why she was laughing. She replied that she was laughing at his Swar (tone). He said - "So do you think that only you have good tone in the whole Tri-Lok? You are very proud of that. I curse you that you fall from Brahm Lok to destroy your pride."
Brahmaa Jee said - "What did you do this, O Durvaasaa? If Saraswatee will not live here who will teach Ved Richaa? Who will teach Swar here? How the Gyaan will be distributed here?" Durvaasaa Jee said - "Her singing will be in Gandharv Lok where she will take birth." Brahmaa Jee said - "By cursing my consort Saraswatee you have proved yourself incapable of living in Brahm Lok. You leave this Brahm Lok."
Meanwhile Gandharv Raaj Vishwaavasu was doing Tapasyaa for Dattaatreya to get a child. Pleased from his Tap Dattaatreya Jee appeared before him and asked him to ask for a boon. Vishwaavasu asked him to give him a child. Dattaatreya Jee said - "This whole universe is born from a Yagya. When some act is done with full devotion it becomes a Yagya, you also do a Yagya, you will surely get a child." So Vishwaavasu started a Yagya with his wife Chitralekhaa.
In the meantime, Daitya Vajraketu came to destroy his Yagya. He did not want that anybody should do any Yagya. Dattaatreya protected his Yagya. Vajraketu tried his best to destroy that Yagya but could not harm it, so he himself went there and got burnt. Thus he was killed there. Yagya was completed. At the end of the Yagya, Yagya Dev appeared from that Yagya and gave them a pot and asked them to take the Prasaad in it. They took it with great Bhakti. As a result they had daughter. This daughter was Saraswatee herself who was born as a result of Durvaasaa's curse. Vishwaavasu named her Madaalasaa.
As the girl was born, Naarad Jee came there and congratulated the Gandharv Raaj on the birth of his daughter. Vishwaavasu asked Naarad Jee about her future. Naarad Jee ignored this and blessed her. Chitralekhaa said - "Devarshi, We have a desire that we want the blessings of Dattaatreya who is born on Prithvi." Naarad Jee suggested them to meditate on Dattaatreya, so they did and Dattaatreya Jee appeared before them and asked their desire. Vishwaavasu said - "Our all desires are related to our daughter. We want that she should always be happy and comfortable." Dattaatreya Jee said - "Raajan, Your daughter is not an ordinary girl, she is the incarnation of Saraswatee Devee. She will attain Brahm Gyaan, and her son will also be Brahm Gyaanee. My blessings are always with you." Time flew and Madaalasaa grew in a fine young woman.
At the same time, after the killing of Vajraketu, his son Paataalketu was crowned as the king of Paataal. Now he wanted to know how his father was killed. His Kul Guru said - "He was not killed but he died in the battlefield." "In which battle?" "He was killed in the battle with Vishwaavasu." "Oh, So my father was killed by Vishwaavasu. I am going to kill him." So they came on prithvi and Paataalketu commanded his brother Kaalketu to be disguised in a Saadhu and stay there and he himself went to Gandharv Lok.
There Paataalketu saw Madaalasaa and got attracted to her. [Now Madaalasaa was the incarnation of Saraswatee Jee and the result of Durvasaa's curse. So both had some meaning - Bhagavaan has to do all these Leelaa to set the situation of duties and actions.] So he proposed to Gandharv Raaj for his daughter, but Gandharv Raaj did not agree for this and got ready for fight. But Paataalketu abducted Madaalasaa to Paataal Lok.
Paataalketu and Madaalasaa
Madaalasaa prayed Bhagavaan Dattaatreya for her protection, and he protected her from Paataalketu. Later Paataalketu called his maids and said to them - "Change Madaalasaa's mind towards me. I will marry her on the coming Trayodashee." and went away. Madaalasaa again prayed Dattaatreya with the intention of committing suicide, so he appeared before her and told her that she was the incarnation of Saraswatee and for whatever purpose she had come on Prithvi she cannot die without completing it. She asked what was the purpose of her life. Dattaatreya Jee said - "To kill Paataalketu and producing a child who will also a Brahm Gyaanee. Vishwaavasu and his wife Chitralekhaa also prayed Brahmaa Jee to protect their daughter. Brahmaa Jee assured them for their daughter.
Paataalketu went to Rishi Gaalav so that he could perform the ceremony of his marriage to Madaalasaa. Gaalav said - "If Madaalasaa has not agreed for this marriage, he would not perform this marriage ceremony, because it is A-Dharm." At this Paataalketu started destroying his Yagya and Aashram. Seeing this Gaalav Muni cursed him - "If you will marry Madaalasaa without her consent, you will be burnt to ashes."
When Paataalketu went to marry Madaalasaa, he remembered Gaalav Muni's curse so he talked to her politely. Madaalasaa said that her marriage depended on Bhagavaan Dattaatreya, so Paataalketu proceeded to meet Dattaatreya. Dattaatreya Jee appeared before him and preached him the sermon of Satya and Gyaan. Paramaatmaa has four names - Satya, Gyaan, Anant and Brahm. And asked him to love Paramaatmaa.
Naarad Jee could not understand that why Dattaatreya did not preach some Saadhu and bestowed boons to Kaartveerya Arjun and preached Paramaatmaa to Paataalketu. Dattaatreya Jee said - "Since those Saadhu did not have devotion and love in me that is why I did not teach them, Arjun had both love and devotion in me that is why I granted him boon; and I preached Paataalketu because he did lots of Tapasyaa for all the three, Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh, in his previous life. Brahmaa Jee granted him the boon to have Darshan of all the three (Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh) together. We all will incarnate in the form of Dattaatreya and you will see his Viraat Roop which is not in everybody's fate." That is why I showed him my Vraat Roop."
Paataalketu came back to Madaalasaa and said to her - "If somebody becomes god by taking Viraat Roop then see it." and he showed her his Viraat Roop. Still Madaalasaa did not get ready to marry him. Paataalketu said - "I can marry you any time but I will not marry you until you will marry me with your own will." Madaalasaa said - "I will never marry you will my own will." Paataalketu said - "If this is so, then my anger will burn all the three Lok. I will start killing people everywhere, and all this will be because of you."
Paataalketu started destroying Tri-Lok. Madaalasaa tried to stop this but he did not stop until she got agree to marry him willingly. Paataalketu threatened her to kill her parents, so she had to agree to marry him. Paataalketu declared this in the whole Paataal Lok and went to to Muni Gaalav again and asked him to be the Pandit to perform his marriage to Madaalasaa. He told him that he would send his Minister to bring him to Paataal Lok.
Gaalav Muni prayed Dattaatreya to guide him. Dattaatreya appeared before him and said - "Satya is Satya, it cannot be destroyed by A-Satya." Gaalav Jee asked - "How Madaalsasaa will marry him? She got ready to marry him only to protect Tri-Lok. But will she marry him?" "No she will not be able to marry him. The son of Shatrujit, Ritudhwaj will not let this marriage happen and the same will kill Paataalketu too." "But who could not be killed even by others, how Ritudhwaj will kill him?" Dattaatreya gave him a horse and said to him - "This Kuvalaashwa named divine horse, it can go anywhere - in sky, on water, on Prithvi or Paatal. It is immune to any kind of weapon. Only Ritudhwaj can ride on this horse. Take this horse to him and tell him that he should go to Paataal Lok on this horse, kill Paataalketu and marry Madaalasaa."
Muni Gaalav took that horse to Ritudhwaj and told everything Shatrujit. He asked him to send his son to kill Paataalketu and bring Madaalasaa from there. Ritudhwaj rode that horse and set off to his journey to Paataal Lok.
Ritudhwaj and Madaalasaa
In Paataal Lok Madaalasaa was getting ready to be married to Paataalketu. At the same time Ritudhwaj came there and Madaalasaa got very happy to see him there. Paataalketu commanded his people to kill Ritudhwaj, but Ritudhwaj killed all of them. Pariprakaash and Naagpaal, Ritudhwaj's childhood friends of Naag Lok, welcomed them in Naag Lok and said - "Ashwatar is waiting for you."
Paataalketu's some remaining people informed his brother Taalketu that Ritudhwaj had killed his brother Paataalketu. So he came to Naag Lok in search of Ritudhwaj and started destroying Naag Lok. Ashwatar came out and asked him why was he doing that? He said that I am looking for Ritudhwaj because he has killed my brothers Paataalketu." Ritudhwaj and other Naag Lok dwellers came out to fight with Taalketu and Ritudhwaj defeated him the battle thus he protected Naag lok also from Taalketu. Then Taalketu went away challenging Ritudhwaj that one day hw would surely take Madaalasaa from him. Ritudhwaj then went away from there with Madaalasaa and came to his kingdom. There he was welcomed by his father.
Dattaatreya Jee appeared there and commanded Madalasaa to Gyaan and Ritudhwaj to protect Saadhu, Rishi, Muni from Raakshas. So he started doing that. Wandering around, once he came on Yamunaa's banks. Taalketu was doing Yagya there in the guise of a Rishi. he recognized Ritudhwaj so he planned for a trick. He saw a garland in his neck. He said to him - "I am doing a Yagya for which I need to give Dakshinaa. Can I get some money for giving Dakshinaa?" After a moment he took out his garland and gave it to him. Taalketu who was in the guise of a Rishi, thanked him and said - "I am going inside water to worship Jal Devtaa, so please protect my Aashram till then."
Taalketu then came to Ritudhwaj's father, gave that garland to him and told him that he was killed by Daitya. He gave me this garland before dying and asked me to give it to you." Hearing this Madaalasaa died. Shatrujit performed her last rites very sadly. On the other hand, Ritudhwaj continued to protect Rishi's Aashram but when he did not return for quite some time, he got worried and came to his kingdom. He met there everybody but not Madaalasaa. Hearing about her death he got very sad. Maniprakaash Naag could not tolerate his condition, so he requested his father to bring Madaalasaa to life for his friend. Hearing this Ashwatar said - "Let me go to my elder brother Shesh Naag."
Ashwatar went to Shesh Naag and requested him to give Madaalasaa back to Ritudhwaj in the same form and body. Shesh Naag said - "You know everything, you are Gyaanee. Once one has died, he cannot get the same body again." "But like this Ritudhwaj will die." Shesh Naag said - "If you have learnt music from Saraswatee Jee and please Kaal Mahaakaal Shiv Jee then your wish can be fulfilled because only he can do this." So Maniprakaash went to Saraswatee Jee and got the boon of music and dance and then pleased Shiv Jee by that music and dance. Shiv Jee got pleased and granted him the boon that if he offer Prasaad to Vishnu in front of Shesh Naag then only Madaalasaa will be able to relive again. Maniprakaash did the same and Madaalasaa took rebirth in her same body by the grace of Shiv Jee. Maniprakaaash took her to Ritudhwaj and gave her to him. Ritudhwaj got very happy to see her alive.
Later Madaalasaa gave birth to a son who was named as Alark. When he became young, Madaalasaa went to Dattaatreya to give him good education.
durjan durmati
There were two Daitya Durjan and Durmati. Both did severe Tapasyaa and pleased Brahmaa Jee and got a boon from him that they should not be defeated by anybody and they should be killed by Shiv only when he is not in waking state. With this boon they first went to Kailaash Parvat to defeat Shiv Jee, so as they reached there, Shiv Jee got disappeared from there. Durjan and Durmati got very happy to see this. After taking over Kailaash, they went to Ksheer Saagar and challenged Vishnu Jee. Vishnu Jee also disappeared from there leaving His Shesh Shayyaa. Seeing they got happier than ever that they had defeated both Shiv and Vishnu.
The then Naarad Jee came there saying "Naaraayan, Naaraayan". Hearing "Naaraayan, Naaraayan" Durjan and Durmati said to him - "Do not take His name, we have defeated Him and now we are the king of Tri-Lok. And do not do Tapasyaa also." Naarad Jee asked why, they said - "We have achieved this position only because of Tapasyaa, and we do not want that anybody should do Tapasyaa and take our position." Naarad Jee said - "But there is one who is doing Tapasyaa on Earth." "Who is that?" Naarad Jee showed them the person - Durvaasaa Muni.
Durjan and Durmati went there and tried to kill Durvaasaa, but their all weapons became useless on him. Then Durvaasaa Rishi opened his third eye and burned both of them. But his fire started burning other Lok also. Shiv jee appeared before Durvaasaa and blessed him - "Your Tapasyaa is complete now. The fire appeared from your Tap is birning Tri-Lok, so leave this Tap now. You should be angry from those only who do everything at their will." Durvaasaa Rishi asked him - "Hey Prabhu, How can I control my anger?" Shiv Jee said - "Do not establish Sampark (contact) and Sambandh (relationship) then only you can control your anger. Do not think about Vishaya (worldly pleasures) that is how you will not be in Sampark with them and you will not be angry; besides, do not stay at one place so that you do not establish your relationship there." Durvaasaa Rishi agreed for this.
The then Naarad Jee came there saying "Naaraayan, Naaraayan". Hearing "Naaraayan, Naaraayan" Durjan and Durmati said to him - "Do not take His name, we have defeated Him and now we are the king of Tri-Lok. And do not do Tapasyaa also." Naarad Jee asked why, they said - "We have achieved this position only because of Tapasyaa, and we do not want that anybody should do Tapasyaa and take our position." Naarad Jee said - "But there is one who is doing Tapasyaa on Earth." "Who is that?" Naarad Jee showed them the person - Durvaasaa Muni.
Durjan and Durmati went there and tried to kill Durvaasaa, but their all weapons became useless on him. Then Durvaasaa Rishi opened his third eye and burned both of them. But his fire started burning other Lok also. Shiv jee appeared before Durvaasaa and blessed him - "Your Tapasyaa is complete now. The fire appeared from your Tap is birning Tri-Lok, so leave this Tap now. You should be angry from those only who do everything at their will." Durvaasaa Rishi asked him - "Hey Prabhu, How can I control my anger?" Shiv Jee said - "Do not establish Sampark (contact) and Sambandh (relationship) then only you can control your anger. Do not think about Vishaya (worldly pleasures) that is how you will not be in Sampark with them and you will not be angry; besides, do not stay at one place so that you do not establish your relationship there." Durvaasaa Rishi agreed for this.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
God as the trinity of Brahma, Viṣṇu, and Śiva incarnates as a
- Brahmin,
- Śudra, and
- Harijan to test Rantideva.
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