
Friday, November 18, 2022


Vaman Purana, When Shiva cut off Brahma’s head, it got stuck to his palm and wouldn’t come off. Shiva went asking for help to Vishnu and explained how Brahma’s head had got stuck to his hand (saying, “ I have now become mahakapalika”) . Vishnu lifted his left arm and asked Shiva to strike it with his Trishul. Shiva did what was asked, and three streams of blood sprang out of the left arm of Vishnu. The first stream of bloodshot up into the sky and became stars. The second stream of blood fell to the earth it was received by sage Atri, and a son Durvasa was born to Atri, (who was supposed have the traits of Shiva and was called ‘tiger’ among sages ( munishardul). And the third stream of Vishnu’s blood fell into the kapal in Shiva’s hand and thus he was released from the head of Brahma.

Brahma kund and Saraswati Devi temple
