
Monday, February 6, 2023


Lord Vishnu
Parashurama (an avatara of Lord Vishnu) gave this astra to Karna. It caused great damage to Pandavas army. This astra possesses Parashurama's skill in archery. Infallible. It brings a shower of much more powerful weapons than the Indrastra and could cause total destruction of a planet if not retracted
Dispel any form of maya or sorcery in the vicinity.
Brahma, the Creator
Would destroy entire hosts at once. Could also counter most other astras. Mythical equivalent( that some believe to be real and even in this modern age, Attainable).[1] of modern biological missiles to the modern nuclear weapon.
Brahma, the Creator
Capable of killing devas. Was used by Ashwatthama on Parikshit. It is thought that the Brahmashira is the evolution of the Brahmastra, 4 times stronger than Brahmastra.
Brahma, the Creator
A defensive weapon . Capable of repelling the Brahmastra. Used by Vashishtaagainst Vishwamitra.
Vishnu, the Preserver
Would create showers of arrows and discs. The astra's power would increase with the resistance offered to it. This weapon had to be obtained from Vishnu directly, and could be used only once. If the user were to attempt invoking it a second time, it would rebound on him, and possibly, his troops.
Vishnu, the Preserver
Would destroy target completely, irrespective of target's nature. Infallible. This weapon had to be obtained from Vishnu directly.
Vishnu, the Preserver
Divine mace of Vishnu. Would destroy whole armies. Infallible and without parallel. Lord Krishna slayed Demon Dantavakra with it.
Vishnu, the Preserver
The legendary discus of Lord Vishnu,infallible . Flies at the command of only Lord Vishnu. Cannot be stopped by anyone, except Lord Vishnu himself.It is considered to be the most powerful of all weapons. [2] When it pursued sage Durvasa, even Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva failed to stop it. It was used prominently by Krishna in the Mahabharata.
Vishnu, the Preserver
The bow of Lord Vishnu, also called as Vaishnav Dhanush. Was given by Vishnu to Parshuram, by Lord Vishnu.
Vishnu, the Preserver
The sacred sword of Vishnu. It had a blade which was indestructible. Was used by Lord Krishna to kill countless demons.
Template:Shiva, the Destroyer
The Trident of Lord Shiva. infallible. Said to be the one of the most powerful weapons. The head of Ganesha and Lord Brahma were severed by Lord Shiva using the Trishul.
Shiva,the Destroyer
Also called as Shiva Dhanush, was the bow of Lord Shiva, which he used to kill countless Asuras in battle (The city of Tripura was destroyed by Lord Shiva using the Pinaka). Was given to Parshuram By Lord Shiva, which was passed down to King Janaka, the father of Devi Sita, and was broken by Lord Ram in her swayamvara.
Shiva, the Destroyer
Contains the power of Shiva's third eye. Shoots a really fast fiery beam which can turn even celestial beings to complete ashes. Infallible, though can be nullified only by any Astra of Lord Shiva and by an Astra of Lord Vishnu.
Shiva, the Destroyer
Would destroy target completely, irrespective of target's nature. When released, the weapon summons several monsters and a huge spirit which personifies the weapon. Sometimes it can cause a catastrophic explosion similar to a hydrogen bomb. Each time the weapon is summoned, its head is never the same This weapon had to be obtained from Shiva directly. Infallible, though can be nullified only by any other Astra of Lord Shiva or by an Astra of Lord Vishnu.
  1. Released from Hand
  2. Not Released from Hand
